Scholarship Opportunities
NIEA collects information on scholarships but our list is by no means exhaustive. Please use the links below to explore scholarship resources.
General Native Student Scholarships
Given by: American Indian College Fund
Amount: Varies
Contact Phone: 800.776.3863
Website: Provides scholarship support to each tribal college. If tribal college student must complete TCU Scholarship program and Full Circle Scholarship program application. The College Fund also administers several scholarship programs offered to American Indian students attending tribal colleges and state and private universities. Minimum cumulative GPA 2.0.
Deadline: May 31
Given by: American Indian Education Fund
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 866.866.8642
Website: Graduate and undergraduate students. Must be of Native American, Alaska Native Decent.
Deadline: April 4th
Given by: Native Forward Scholars Fund
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 505.881.4584
Website: A high school senior planning to attend an accredited undergraduate school in the U.S. or a pursuant of an undergraduate, master, doctoral, or professional degree as a full-time student at an accredited U.S. undergraduate/graduate school; demonstrate financial need; and be an enrolled member of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or Alaska Native group, or be able to demonstrate ancestry of 1/4 degree Indian blood.
Deadline: July 15
Given by: American Indian Services
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 801.375.1777
Website: Enrolled in a university, college, junior college or technical school. One-Quarter (1/4) Northern-Native American Indian Blood. Undergraduate student with no more than 150 semester credits or 210 quarter credits. Full-time or part-time status – excluding non-credit courses. Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.25
Deadline: varies (May 1, June 1, October 1)
Given by: American Nuclear Society
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 708.352.6611
Website: Letter of recommendation, three letters of reference, etc. More details on website.
Deadline: Feb 1 & April 1
Given by: Association on American Indian Affairs
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 240.314.7155
Website: Student must be enrolled in a tribe from the Continental US or Alaska. There is no minimum blood quantum requirement. Student must be enrolled full time both Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 at an accredited institution of higher learning. Associates degree or higher.
Deadline: March 3 – June 1, 2015 only
Given by: Bureau of Indian Education, U.S. Department of the Interior
Amount: Varies
Contact Phone: 202.208.6123
Website: Varies. Must be a member of, or at least ¼ degree Indian blood descendent of a member of an American Indian tribe which is eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States through the Bureau of Indian Affairs because of their status as Indians. Must be accepted for admission to a nationally accredited institution of higher education which provides a course of study conferring the Associate of Arts or Bachelor of Arts or science degree. Must demonstrate financial need as determined by the financial aid officer of the collegiate institution.
Deadline: Varies
Given by: Native American Scholarship Fund
Amount: $4000
Contact Phone: 505.262.2351
Website: American Indian Undergraduate and graduate students. Undergraduates are given preference. Based on financial need and academic achievement. GPA of 3.25 or higher.
Deadline: February 15
Given by: Cobell Scholarship
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 505.313.0032
Website: h Cobell Scholarships offers are merit-based following a lengthy application and referral process. Cobell Scholarship awards are disbursed according to US Federal Student Aid standards and the policies of the individual colleges and universities. The Cobell Scholarship is annual, non-renewable, and available to any post-secondary (after high school) student who is: an enrolled member of a US Federally-recognized Tribe, enrolled in or plans to enroll in full-time study and is degree-seeking while attending any nationally, regionally and industry accredited non-profit, public and private, institution.
Deadline: March 31
Given by: Council of Energy Resource Tribes (CERT)
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 303.282.7576
Website: The CERT Scholarship Program was created to meet the unforeseen need of today’s American Indian college students. CERT Scholarships may be used for books, living expenses, clothing, or other similar needs to assist students in defraying the high costs of education. The award is a gift from the Council of Energy Resource Tribes and should not be counted toward any financial aid the student is currently receiving. A CERT Scholarship is not based on financial need. More info found on the website.
Deadline: Feb. 15, Sept. 15
Given by: National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 202.628.1776
Website: This scholarship is awarded once a year to one student. A candidate for this scholarship must be enrolled full time at a 2- or 4- year college or university. Applicants must be Native Americans and proof of American Indian blood is required by letter or proof papers. Students must demonstrate financial need, academic achievement, and have a 3.25 GPA or higher. A recipient may reapply for this scholarship and be considered along with other members of the applicant pool. The amount of scholarship is based on total return of the endowment, and may vary year to year.
Deadline: February 15
Given by: Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation
Amount: up to $30000
Contact Phone: 202.395.6995
Website: College juniors and a U.S. citizen at the time of selection. More details on website.
Deadline: February 3
Given by: Division of Job Placement and Training
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 202.208.3570
Website: Individual American Indian applicants must be a member of a Federally Recognized Indian Tribe, be in need of financial assistance, and reside on or near an Indian reservation under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. See website for details.
Deadline: None
Given by: International Order of the King’s Daughters and Sons North Indian
Amount: $500 to $700
Contact Phone: 716.357.4951
Website: No restriction as to Tribal affiliation or Indian blood quantum. The student must provide a Tribal Registration number and fulfill the other requirements. The scholarships are given for technical, vocational or college studies but not granted for studies beyond a Bachelor’s degree.
Deadline: March 1
Given by: Jackie Robinson Foundation
Amount: up to $24000/four years
Contact Phone: 212.290.8600
Website: Minority students with limited financial resources. High school senior. SAT 900 or above OR ACT 21 or above.
Deadline: February 15
Given by: Jaycees United States Junior Chamber
Amount: $1000
Contact Phone: 636.778.3010
Website: Must be a high school senior, graduate, or in college and send transcripts. More details on website.
Deadline: March 1
Given by: Ke Ali’I Pauahi Foundation
Amount: avg. $600
Contact Phone: 808.534.3890
Website: Demonstrate a financial need, have a GPA within the range of 2.5 – 3.5, and show an aptitude toward obtaining a higher education.
Deadline: March 20
Given by: Ke Ali’I Pauahi Foundation
Amount: Varies
Contact Phone: 808.534.3966
Website: Foundation has more than 25 scholarships for Native Students. Please see website for more information
Deadline: March 20
Given by: Presbyterian Office of Financial Aid for Studies
Amount: up to $1500
Contact Phone: 800.728.7228 x5735Website:
Requirements: Have documented membership in a Native American or Alaska Native tribe. Be enrolled full time at an accredited college or university in the United States. Be in good academic standing (2.5 GPA or greater). Be seeking a bachelor degree. Demonstrate financial need.
Deadline: Awarded on funds available basis
Given by: Ronald McDonald House Charities
Amount: Varies
Contact Phone: 855.670.4787
Website: High school senior. Younger than 21. US resident. Eligible to attend a two or four year college. Live in a participating RMHC Chapter’s geographic area.
Deadline: Opens in Fall
Given by: SME Education Foundation
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 313.425.3300
Website: 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. US or Canadian citizen. Scholarships for graduating high school seniors, current undergraduate students, and grad students. More details on website.
Deadline: varies
Fields of Study
+ Archaeology
SAA Arthur C. Parker Scholarship or NSF Scholarship for Archaeological Training
Given by: Society for American Archaeology
Amount: up to $5000
Requirements: To support archaeological training or a research program for Native American/Native Hawaiian high school seniors, college undergraduates, and graduate students who work in tribal or Native Hawaiian cultural preservation programs. students or employees of tribal cultural preservation programs.
Deadline: Dec. 16
+ Biology
Cornell University/Arizona State University MTBI Summer Program
Given by: Arizona State University
Amount: $4000 stipend for attending
Contact Phone: 480.965.2115
Requirements: Undergraduate sophomore or higher. Majoring in math, biology or related fields. At least 1 year of calculus. It is an intensive eight-week summer research experience for undergraduates in Tempe, Arizona prepares promising young scientists interested in working at the interface of mathematics, statistics and the natural and social sciences for the rigors of graduate studies.
Deadline: January 31
+ Business and Finance
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Scholarship
Given by: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 212.443.1513 / +1.202.737.6600
Requirements: Accounting students. See website for scholarship options.
Deadline: Varies
Discover Accounting – Overview to Several Accounting-Related Scholarships
Amount: $500-$35,000
Requirements: Varies by source
Deadline: Varies by source
National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development Scholarships
Given by: National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 800.462.2433
Requirements: Eligible students must be enrolled full-time junior, senior or graduate student majoring in a business related field. Applicants must submit the application below, as well as a statement requesting consideration and stating their reasons for pursuing higher education, their plans following completion of their degree and any other relevant information such as activities and commitment to the community.
Deadline: September 5
National Society of Accountants Scholarship Foundation
Given by: NSA Scholarship Foundation
Amount: $500-$2200
Contact Phone: 855.670.4787
Requirements: Undergraduate part or full-time accounting students at a 2 year (may apply after 1st semester grades or during 2nd year transfer to 4 year institution) or 4 year college or university (may apply for 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year) in the U.S. Minimum 3.0 GPA. US or Canadian citizens attending a US accredited school.
Deadline: March 31
Native American Finance Officers Association Scholarship
Given by: Native American Finance Officers Association
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 202.631.2003
Requirements: Must provide proof of tribal enrollment. Must be enrolled as full-time at an accredited institution in the United States. Must have already declared their major in one of the following areas: Accounting, Business Administration, Economics or Finance. Must have a cumulative 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale. After notification of an award, students must provide an electronic photograph to include in NAFOA materials and on our website.
+ Communications
Joseph A. Sowa Scholarship
Given by: Ke Ali’I Pauahi Foundation
Amount: Varies
Contact Phone: 808.534.3966
Requirements: Minimum 3.0 GPA. Major in field of communications. Demonstrate financial need. More details on website.
Deadline: March 20
+ Education
Daughters of Indian Wars Scholarships
Given by: Continental Society
Amount: $1000
Contact Phone: 918.479.5670
Requirements: Be an enrolled tribe member. Plan to work with a tribe in the field of Education or Social Service and working with Native Americans as a career goal. Must be an undergraduate junior or senior accepted to or already attending an accredited college/university, be carrying at least eight semester hours, and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Must be US citizen and demonstrate financial need. One award annually. Renewable. Contact Scholarship chair for an application.
Deadline: June 15
+ Engineering
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Given by: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Amount: $2000-$2500
Contact Phone: 703.264.7500
Requirements: Letter of recommendation. Undergraduate and graduate students with a 3.3 College GPA on 4.0 scale. Full time student. Member of AIAA.
Deadline: Unsure, but starts back October 2015
National Academy for Nuclear Training Scholarship Program Undergraduate Scholarship
Given by: Nuclear Energy Institute
Amount: $2500
Contact Phone: 800.828.5489
Requirements: Must be rising juniors or seniors with 3.0 GPA or higher. Students must be majoring in nuclear, mechanical, or electrical engineering, power-generation health physics or chemical engineering with a nuclear or power option. More details on website.
Deadline: July 31
+ Hawaiian Studies
Charles Crockett ‘Ohana Scholarship
Given by: Ke Ali’I Pauahi Foundation
Amount: $1100
Contact Phone: 808.534.3966
Requirements: Applicant must be majoring in Hawaiian Studies/Language/Culture and/or Education. Full- or half-time enrollment is allowed. See websites scholarship list for details. Prefer applicants of Hawaiian ancestry.
Deadline: March 20th
Joseph Nawahi Scholarship
Given by: Ke Ali’I Pauahi Foundation
Amount: avg. $1500
Contact Phone: 808.534.3890
Requirements: This supports a full-time student pursuing a graduate degree at an accredited institution of higher learning located in Hawaii studying Hawaiian Studies, Hawaiian Politics, Law (specific to Hawaiian legal issues), or Communications/ Journalism (specific to Hawaiian history, culture and politics) with a GPA of 3.2 and who shows demonstrated financial need.
Deadline: March 20
+ Health Related
George Hi’ilani Mills Scholarship
Given by: Ke Ali’I Pauahi Foundation
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 808.534.3890
Requirements: For graduate students only. Graduate student pursuing professional studies in the field of medicine or the allied health-related fields. Demonstrate financial need. Prefer applicants of Hawaiian ancestry.
Deadline: March 20
Indian Health Services Health Professionals Programs
Given by: Indian Health Services
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 301.443.6197
Requirements: Enrolled in a federally recognized tribe. Preparatory scholarship can be 1st or 2nd degree descendant of a tribal member (see application). Undergraduate or graduate level student. 2.0 GPA or higher. Pursuing a degree in a health related profession.
Deadline: March 28
Indian Health Services Scholarship
Given by: US Department of Health and Human Services
Amount: varies
Requirements: More details on website. Must be American Indian Tribal or Alaska Native Village Member.
Deadline: March 28
National Institutes of Health
Given by: National Institutes of Health
Amount: up to $20000 per academic year
Contact Phone: 301.594.3318
Requirements: U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Must be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a full-time student at an accredited 4-year undergraduate institution in the US. 3.3 GPA or higher or top 5% if class. Must be certified as having “exceptional financial need: by undergraduate institution financial office. For students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to careers in biomedical, behavioral and social science health-related research.
Deadline: March 9th
Native American Junior Auxiliaries Scholarship (now called National Association of Junior Auxiliaries, Inc.
Graduate Scholarship Program)
Given by: Native American Junior Auxiliaries
Amount: $350-$1250
Contact Phone: 662.332.3000
Requirements: Must be working or planning to work DIRECTLY with children. Must be pursuing graduate level studies for one year in fields which address the special needs of children and youth. Graduate fields of study include, but are not limited to: Counseling, Psychology, Mental Health, Special Education, Speech Pathology, Exceptional Children, Remedial Skills Development, Hearing Impaired, Gifted and Talented, etc. Scholarships are NOT awarded for graduate work in administration or general education. Must be a U.S. citizen and a permanent resident of a state with a Junior Auxiliary Chapter: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, and Texas. Must be planning to attend a U.S. college or university for full-time or part-time study.
Deadline: February 1
Northwest Native American Research Center for Health (NW NARCH) Fellowship
Sponsored By: Native American Research Centers for Health (NARCH), Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB) and OHSU Prevention Research Center (PRC)
Amount: Financial support awarded on an hourly basis (maximum of 20 hours/week) until completion of research (not to exceed 1,000 hours)
Contact: Grazia Cunningham, NW NARCH Coordinator, at
Requirements: Provides funding for American Indian/Alaska Native graduate students conducting scientific research under the supervision of an academic mentor.
Must provide:
Certificate of Blood (CIB) or proof of Tribal Enrollment
A cover letter describing your research
Name and contact information of your local academic mentor
Letter of recommendation from your academic mentor
Deadline: Rolling
The Udall Scholarship
Given by: Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation
Amount: up to $5000
Contact Phone: 520.901.8564
Requirements: Sophomore or junior-level college student at a two-year or four-year accredited institution of higher education in the United States, pursuing a bachelor’s or associate’s degree full time during the 2015-2016 academic year. U.S. citizen, U.S. national or U.S. permanent resident. For those who want to pursue a career related to the environment, or for someone who is Native American or an Alaska Native and plan to pursue a career related to health care or tribal public policy. College GPA of at least 3.0. US citizen. More details on website.
Deadline: March 4
+ Humanities and Social Science
Francis C. Allen Fellowships (Chicago)
Given by: History of the American Indian
Amount: up to $8,000 for Fellowship research stipends
Contact Phone: 312.255.3666
Requirements: Short-term fellowship awarded to federally recognized tribal members who are female and studying at the graduate or Ph.D. in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Chicago area residents not eligible, restrictions on website.
Deadline: January 15
+ Industrial
Robert E. Dougherty (Red) Educational Foundation
Given by: Robert E. Dougherty Educational Foundation
Amount: $5000
Contact Phone: 703.724.1128
Requirements: Full-time undergraduate or post-graduate for the spring. Must be enrolled in one of the following majors: Forestry/Forest Products, Chemical Engineering, Natural Resources, Mechanical Engineering, Land Management, Industrial Engineering, Wood Science & Technology, Architecture, Pulp & Paper Science, Business, Environmental Science, Marketing, Chemistry or Political Science. Must be a citizen or permanent legal resident of the US, Canada, or Mexico. 3.0 GPA. Complete application packet. Email Gary Heroux for more details.
Deadline: April 1
+ Journalism
NAJA Scholarship For Native American Journalists
Given by: Native American Journalists Association (NAJA)
Amount: $500-$5000
Contact Phone: 305.284.2211
Requirements: More details on website. For Native Americans pursuing journalism. Must be a current NAJA member in good standing. See website for details.
Deadline: April 30
+ Math
Cornell University/Arizona State University MTBI Summer Program
Given by: Arizona State University
Amount: $4000 stipend
Contact Phone: 480.965.2115
Requirements: Undergraduate sophomore or higher. Majoring in math, biology or related fields. At least 1 year of calculus. It is an intensive eight-week summer research experience for undergraduates in Tempe, Arizona prepares promising young scientists interested in working at the interface of mathematics, statistics and the natural and social sciences for the rigors of graduate studies.
Deadline: January 31
+ Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
A.T. Anderson Memorial Scholarship Program
Given by: American Indian Science and Engineering Society
Amount: $1000 for undergraduate, $2000 for graduate
Contact Phone: 505.765.1052
Requirements: AISES’ own scholarship program was established in 1983 in memory of A.T. Anderson (Mohawk), a chemical engineer who founded AISES with six other American Indian scientists. Scholarships are awarded to members of AISES who are at least ¼ American Indian/Alaskan Native college students, have a 3.0 GPA or higher pursuing academic programs in the sciences, engineering, medicine, natural resources, and math.
Deadline: May 31
SEG Foundation Scholarship Program
Given by: Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Amount: $500-$14000
Contact Phone: 918.497.5500
Requirements: Complete application. Financial need. Planning to enter college next fall. Undergraduate or graduate student. Intending to pursue a college curriculum directed toward a career in applied geophysics or a closely related field, such as geosciences, physics, geology, or earth and environmental sciences. More details on website.
Deadline: March 1
Truman D. Picard Scholarship
Given by: Intertribal Timber Council
Amount: $2500 for college students/ $2000 for graduating High School students
Contact Phone: 503.282.4296
Requirements: Native American students pursuing Natural Resources. Letters of reference, resume, etc. More details on website.
Deadline: January 16
The Udall Scholarship
Given by: Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation
Amount: up to $5000
Contact Phone: 520.901.8564
Requirements: Sophomore or junior-level college student at a two-year or four-year accredited institution of higher education in the United States, pursuing a bachelor’s or associate’s degree full time during the 2015-2016 academic year. U.S. citizen, U.S. national or U.S. permanent resident. For those who want to pursue a career related to the environment, or for someone who is Native American or an Alaska Native and plan to pursue a career related to health care or tribal public policy. College GPA of at least 3.0. US citizen. More details on website.
Deadline: March 1st
The Women’s Auxiliary to the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.
Given by: The Women’s Auxiliary to the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 303.948.4208
Requirements: For student members of any AIME Member society pursing degrees full-time in the earth sciences, metallurgy, petroleum, mineral sciences, materials science and engineering, mineral economics, chemical engineering, and other related studies .Undergrad or Grad student. Must be attending an ABET-accredited college or university in the U.S. Students may apply in their second year of study. Check website for details.
Deadline: November 1st
+ Plumbing, Heating, Cooling/Skilled Trades
National Association of Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Contractors Scholarship Program
Given by: Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association
Amount: $2500
Contact Phone: 800.533.7694
Requirements: U.S. or Canada citizen currently enrolled or planning to enroll in program approved by PHCC or HVAC or are a full time undergraduate at an accredited 4-year college or university, full-time 2-year, technical, trade school, etc.. Majors approved: Business management, mechanical CAD design; construction management, plumbing, installation service & repair. High school and incoming freshmen enrolled in BA programs to study business administration, engineering or construction. Go to website for more details.
Deadline: May 1st
Porch Scholarship
Given by:
Amount: $2000
Contact Phone: 800.604.2454
Requirements: 18 or over and currently enrolled or planning to enroll as a high school senior, or in a community college, undergraduate, technical college, or vocational program during the 2020-2021 academic program in the U.S. Must have a 3.4 GPA or higher. Must be pursuing a degree that enables you to learn a new trade, develop skills or technology, or start a business related to home services offered by Porch.
Deadline: Varies. See website for details
+ Psychology
Psychology Scholarships for All Psychology Majors
+ Public Policy
Native American Congressional Internship
Given by: Morris K Udall Foundation
Amount: ongoing internship program
Contact Phone: 520.670.5529
Requirements: Are American Indian and Alaska Native undergraduate, graduate and law students. Have demonstrated an interest in fields related to tribal public policy, or supporting tribal communities. Details on website.
Deadline: January 31
The Udall Scholarship
Given by: Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation
Amount: up to $5000
Contact Phone: 520.901.8564
Requirements: Sophomore or junior-level college student at a two-year or four-year accredited institution of higher education in the United States, pursuing a bachelor’s or associate’s degree full time during the 2015-2016 academic year. U.S. citizen, U.S. national or U.S. permanent resident. For those who want to pursue a career related to the environment, or for someone who is Native American or an Alaska Native and plan to pursue a career related to health care or tribal public policy. College GPA of at least 3.0. US citizen. More details on website
Deadline: March 4
+ Research
Goldwater Scholarships
Given by: Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 480.965.5894
Requirements: Undergraduate student with at least two years remaining. Minimum 3.5 GPA. Undergraduate research encouraged. Plans to attend graduate school.
Deadline: January 23, 2015
+ Social and Economic Justice
Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund
Given by: Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund
Amount: up to $10000
Requirements: Transcripts, a personal statement, two letters of recommendation, a photograph, and financial aid reports. For graduate and undergraduate students working for social and economic justice. U.S. Citizen planning to enroll in an accredited school.
Deadline: April 1
+ Social Services
Daughters of Indian Wars Scholarships
Given by: Continental Society
Amount: $1000
Contact Phone: 918.479.5670
Requirements: Be an enrolled tribe member. Plan to work with a tribe in the field of Education or Social Service and working with Native Americans as a career goal. Must be an undergraduate junior or senior accepted to or already attending an accredited college/university, be carrying at least eight semester hours, and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Must be US citizen and demonstrate financial need. One award annually. Renewable. Contact Scholarship chair for an application.
Deadline: June 15
+ STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or Math)
American Indian Science and Engineering Society
A.T. Anderson Memorial Scholarship Program
Given by: American Indian Science and Engineering Society
Amount: $1000 for undergraduate, $2000 for graduate
Contact Phone: 505.765.1052
Requirements: AISES’ own scholarship program was established in 1983 in memory of A.T. Anderson (Mohawk), a chemical engineer who founded AISES with six other American Indian scientists. Scholarships are awarded to members of AISES who are at least ¼ American Indian/Alaskan Native college students, have a 3.0 GPA or higher pursuing academic programs in the sciences, engineering, medicine, natural resources, and math.
Deadline: May 31
Hopi Tribe – Grants and Scholarship Programs
Given by: Hopi Tribe
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 800.762.9630
Website: or
Requirements: Must be an enrolled member of the Hopi Tribe. Be a high school graduate or have earned a GED certificate. Be admitted to a regionally accredited college/university. Must have completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and have applied for all federal, state, and institutional aid before being considered for HTGSP funding. Meet the Cumulative GPA requirements for the particular award you are applying for. More details on the website.
Deadline: February 27
Background Based
+ Challenging Lifestyle
Kamehameha Schools Class of 1972 Scholarship
Given by: Ke Ali’I Pauahi Foundation
Amount: avg. $600
Contact Phone: 808.534.3890
Requirements: For those who have been impacted or traumatized by challenging circumstances. Demonstrate a financial need, have a GPA minimum of 2.8, and show an aptitude toward obtaining a higher education. More details on website.
Deadline: March 20
+ Community Involvement
Choy-Kee O’hana Scholarship
Given by: Ke Ali’I Pauahi Foundation
Amount: average $600
Contact Phone: 808.534.3966
Requirements: GPA 3.0 and above pursuing a post-high education. More details on the website. Prefer applicants of Hawaiian ancestry.
Deadline: March 20
Hana Scholars Program
Given by: United Methodist Church
Amount: Varies
Contact Phone: 615.340.7344
Requirements: Hispanic, Asian, and Native American/Alaskan Indian, or Pacific Islander origin who is an active, full member of a local UMC (at least one year prior to applying). Career goals that relate to the empowerment of his/her ethnic community and leadership in the United Methodist Church.
Deadline: March 1
Kamehameha Schools Class of 1970 Scholarship
Given by: Ke Ali’I Pauahi Foundation
Amount: Avg. $1200
Contact Phone: 808.534.3890
Requirements: Submit essay describing involvement in community service including organizations, number of hours/length of volunteer service and how applicant intends to continue to serve the Hawaiian community. Submit two letters of recommendation; one from a current academic faculty member who can comment on your scholarly merits and one from a community service leader, coach, pastor, youth group leader, etc., who can comment on your community service commitment and activities. GPA of 2.5.
Deadline: March 20
School Specific
+ The George Washington University
Given by: The George Washington University
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 202.994.3284
Requirements: Open to Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian college students. Students study applied politics in the spring semester as part of GW’s Semester In Washington Politics program. Scholarship includes tuition and fees for 6 credit hours of undergraduate work, housing, books, transportation to and from Washington, and a stipend. More details on website.
Deadline: Oct. 15
+ Grand Canyon University Scholarships
Given by: Grand Canyon University
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 800.800.9776
Requirements: In an undergraduate program, you must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress(minimum 2.0 GPA) as indicated in the University catalog throughout your program, and be enrolled in the minimum required hours for your program; in a graduate program, maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (minimum 3.0 GPA) as indicated in the University catalog throughout your program and be enrolled as a half-time student (minimum 5 credits per semester). The students must be an enrolled or a principal member of a Federally Recognized Tribe. (Contact Tribal Higher Education office for details)
Deadline: Dec. 30
+ University of Minnesota
SMSC Endowed Scholarship
Given by: Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
Amount: Varies
Contact Phone: 612-625-8680
For Undergraduate Students: Incoming University of Minnesota (any campus) first-year and transfer students. Documented proof of American Indian heritage. Demonstrated financial need (click here for some basics on how “financial need” is calculated at the University of Minnesota). Renewable for up to eight semesters for undergraduates, depending on your degree program and contingent upon academic performance
For Graduate Students: Newly-admitted graduate and professional students (first-year or transfer). Documented proof of American Indian heritage. Demonstrated financial need (click here for some basics on how “financial need” is calculated at the University of Minnesota). Length of funding is contingent upon academic performance, the school of enrollment, the degree program, and will be determined on a case-by-case basis
Deadline: May 1
+ University of Phoenix
Tribal Scholarship and Education Benefits
Given by: University of Phoenix to NIEA members
Amount: Varies
Contact Phone: 844-937-8679
For more information, please click here.
State Specific
+ Hawaiian Residents Only
Bruce T. and Jakie Mahi Erickson Grant
Given by: Ke Ali’I Pauahi Foundation
Amount: $950
Contact Phone: 808.534.3966
Requirements: See websites scholarship list for details. Prefer applicants of Hawaiian ancestry.
Deadline: March 20, 2015
Jalene Kanani Bell ‘Ohana Scholarship
Given by: Ke Ali’I Pauahi Foundation
Amount: avg. $700
Contact Phone: 808.534.3966
Requirements: Minimum 2.5 GPA. Half-time enrollment allowed. Be a state of Hawai’i resident. Demonstrate characteristics of a well-rounded, community minded student of good moral character with a “can-do” attitude. More details on website.
Deadline: March 20
+ The Ingebritson Family Foundation Scholarship (Arizona)
Given by: Ingebritson Family Foundation
Amount: $2000 for community college/ $3000 for 4 year university
Contact Phone: 480.965.2041
Requirements: Be enrolled (or plan to enroll) as a full-time student, attending Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, Maricopa Community Colleges, Yavapai College, & Eastern Arizona College, financial need. More details on website.
Deadline: May 29
+ Minnesota Residents Only
Minnesota Indian Scholarship
Given by: Minnesota Office of Higher Education
Amount: up to $4,000 for undergraduates, up to $6,000 for graduate students
Contact Phone: 651.642.0567
Requirements: One-fourth or more American Indian ancestry. A Minnesota resident. Enrolled in an accredited college, university, or vocational school in Minnesota. Qualify for either a Pell or State Grant.
Deadline: July 1
+ Multiple State Residents
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Foundation Scholarship
Given by: American Indian Science and Engineering Society
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 505.765.1052
Website: or
Requirements: Administered for the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Foundation, this scholarship is made available to American Indian high school seniors every year, who reside in states serviced by the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Pacific Corporation and its affiliated companies: Arizona, California, Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, and Washington.
Deadline: April 12, 2015
+ Washington State Only
Washington Indian Gaming Association Scholarships
Given by: Washington Indian Gaming Association
Amount: $1,000-$2,000
Contact Phone: 360.352.3248
Requirements: For enrolled members of the WIGA Tribes and Indian students in Washington State. Students pursuing degrees at community and technical colleges, four-year colleges, and post-graduate and professional schools are eligible.
Deadline: March 31
Tribal Affiliation
+ Blackfeet Tribal Education Grants
Given by: Blackfeet Nation
Amount: $3200-3800
Contact Phone: 406.338.7539
Requirements: Undergraduate. Member of the Blackfeet Tribe, need-based. Must complete FAFSA.
Deadline: March 1
+ Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma Scholarships
Given by: Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 405.262.0345
Requirements: Enrolled member of Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribe.
Deadline: June 1
+ Chickasaw Nation Education Foundation
Given by: Chickasaw Nation
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 580.421.9030
Requirements: See website for more details.
Deadline: June 5, 2015
+ Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma Higher Education Grant
Given by: Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 580.924.8280
Requirements: See website for details. Must be a member of the Choctaw Nation and pursuing a minimum of an associate’s degree.
Deadline: March 1st for Spring and October 1st for Fall
+ Colorado River Indian Scholarship
Given by: Colorado River Indian Tribes
Contact Phone: 928.669.5548
Requirements: Be an enrolled member of the Colorado Indian Tribes. Have the intent to return to the tribe and apply what they learned to help the development of the tribe.
Deadline: June 30
+ GRIC Higher Education Scholarship
Given by: Gila River Indian Community (GRIC)
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 520.562.3316
Requirements: The GRIC Scholarship is available to community members in pursuit of higher education at an accredited college or university. To be eligible you must:
1) Be an enrolled member of the Gila River Indian Community.
2) Be a high school graduate or GED recipient.
3) Must complete FAFSA
Deadline: June 15
+ Menominee Adult Vocational Training Scholarship
Given by: Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin
Amount: $100-$2200
Contact Phone: 715.799.5110
Requirements: Enrolled or eligible Menominee. Freshmen and sophomores only.
Deadline: March 1 and Oct. 30
+ The Minnesota Chippewa Tribe Education Scholarship Programs
Given by: The Minnesota Chippewa Tribe
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 218.335.8584
Requirements: Member of Minnesota Chippewa Tribe. Each enrolled member of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe should contact the band where they are enrolled for application and information. See website for details.
Deadline: varies
+ Navajo Nation Scholarship and Financial Assistance Program
Given by: Navajo Nation
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 800.243.2956
Requirements: For the Navajo people to provide them the opportunity to achieve their educational goals. This opportunity is provided as a privilege with the intent that recipients, upon graduation, will return to the Navajo Nation to apply their learning to benefit the continuing development of the Navajo Nation. Must be ¼ or more Navajo Indian.
Deadline: June 25 & November 25
+ Seneca Nation Higher Education Scholarship
Given by: Seneca Nation Higher Education Program
Amount: $10.000 (varies)
Contact Phone: 716.945.1790
Requirements: Must be an enrolled member of the Seneca Nation of Indians. Comply with all rules and regulations that accompany funding sources. Be matriculated in a degree granting program (Associates, Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate) at an accredited higher education institute. Be enrolled and attending a Certificate granting program at an accredited institute.
Deadline: Fall- July 15, Winter- November 1, Spring-December 31, Summer-May 20
+ United South and Eastern Tribes, Inc. Scholarships
Given by: United South and Eastern Tribes, Inc.
Amount: Undergrad increments of no less than $750 / Grad increments of no less than $1000
Contact Phone: 615.872.7417
Requirements: Supplemental monies are awarded to USET area Indian students who are enrolled members of one of the 26 USET member tribes. Demonstrate need for financial assistance. Satisfactory scholastic standing. Current enrollment or acceptance in a post-secondary educational institution.
Deadline: April 30
+ White Mountain Apache Tribe Higher Education Scholarship
Given by: White Mountain Apache Tribe Higher Education Program
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 520.338.5800
Requirements: Be an enrolled member of the WMAT, Be a High School or GED Graduate, Be admitted to an accredited college, university of vocational school and Completed and processed FAFSA. More details on website.
Deadline: For each semester
+ Zuni Higher Education Scholarship
Given by: Zuni Higher Education Department
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 505.782.5998
Requirements: Enrolled member of the Zuni tribe and have 2.0 GPA
Deadline: Apr. 30, June 30, Oct. 30
+ Air Force Aid Society General Henry H. Arnold Education Grant Program (2015-2016)
Given by: Air Force Aid Society
Amount: $1500
Contact Phone: 703.972.2647
Requirements: Must be either a dependent of Air Force members, spouses of Active Duty Members, or surviving spouses of Air Force members who died on active duty. High school graduate or full-time undergraduate student in 2015-2016. Maintain 2.0 GPA.
Application Deadline: March 13, 2015
Financial Data & GPA: April 15, 2015
+ American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship Programs
Given by: American Legion Auxiliary
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 317.569.4500
Requirements: Applicant must be a member of The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, or Sons of The American Legion and shall have paid dues for the two preceding years and for the calendar year in which application is made. 2. Applicant must be: a. a non-traditional student returning to the classroom after some period of time in which his/her formal education was interrupted; or b. a non-traditional student who is just beginning his/her education at a later point in life.
Deadline: varies
+ Marine Corps Scholarship
Given by: Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation
Amount: varies
Contact Phone: 703.549.0060
Requirements: Be a child of active duty, reserve or veteran of marine. 2.0 GPA. Financial need.
Deadline: March 1
+ NCOA Scholarship Fund
Given by: Non Commissioned Officers Association (NCOA)
Amount: $900
Contact Phone: 210.653.6161
Requirements: Children and spouses of members of the NCOA under age 25. Full time undergraduate students. Maintain a “B” average. Application packets differ for children and spouses. See website for details.
Deadline: March 31
+ U.S. Veterans Scholarships
Given by: Various
Amount: Varies
Requirements: Veterans, thier spouses and their children. See website for details.
Deadline: Varies