2009-03: Adoption of the Diabetes Education in Tribal Schools Curriculum: Health is Life in Balance in All Schools Serving American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) or Native Hawaiian Students

NOW THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the National Indian Education Association hereby supports and endorses the Diabetes Education in Tribal Schools Curriculum: Health Is Life in Balance (K-12) for all American Indian, Alaska Native and Hawaiian Native (AI/AN/HN) students, including those attending public schools, and urges adoption of the DETS K-12 curriculum throughout Native American communities, as well as the rest of the nation; and

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Steven Peters
2009-04: Expansion of State Pre-Kindergarten Legislation to Include Provisions for Native American Language Immersion Preschools

Now therefore be it resolved that the National Indian Education Association will support the expansion of state pre-kindergarten programs to include Native American (American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian) language immersion preschool operated independently of state departments and that feed into Native American language kindergarten school programs operated by the community being served.

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Steven Peters
2009-06: In Support of NIEA, in Partnership with TEDNA and in Preparing for NIEA's Recommendations Regarding the Reauthorization of the ESEA/NCLB

Now therefore be it resolved that the National Indian Education Association will work in partnership with TEDNA to review the two TED appropriations authorizations and to develop any recommendations for substantive changes to the authorizations that increased tribal sovereignty over education to meet the needs, capacities, and specialties of TEDs; and

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Steven Peters
2009-08: Allow Use of Native American Languages in Testing to Meet All Requirements of Federally Funded Education

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the National Indian Education Association will support the rights of Native American communities and tribes to develop and use their Native American languages in the reauthorization of ESEA to assure that Native American students speaking Native American languages have access to Federally supported education when using and learning Native American languages in educational programs funded by the federal government; and

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Steven Peters
2009-10: Expansion of Federal Programs to Address Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Indigenous Language and Culture Related Needs and Rights

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the National Indian Education Association will support the expansion of federal programs to address the language and culture-related needs and rights of all Native Americans (American Indians, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiians) on a broad basis through the inclusion and strengthening of special provisions to address those needs and rights in all federal legislation.

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Steven Peters