NIEA Mission Statement

The National Indian Education Association advances comprehensive, culture-based educational opportunities for American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians.

NIEA Vision Statement 

Our traditional Native cultures and values are the foundations of our learning therefore, NIEA will:

  • Promote educational sovereignty;

  • Support continuing use of traditional knowledge and language;

  • Improve educational opportunities and results in our communities.

NIEA was formed in 1969 by Native educators and advocates who were anxious to find solutions to improve the education system for Native children. The NIEA Convention was established to mark the beginning of a national forum for sharing and developing ideas, and influencing federal policy.

Our Purpose

NIEA advocates for policies and creates programs that support self-determination and the development of comprehensive culturally-grounded learning opportunities for Native students. By empowering the capacity for self-determination, our communities gain the skills, knowledge, and voice to nurture the strengths, resilience, and intelligence of our Native youth grounded in traditional Native ways.

Additional Information

Based in Washington, D.C., NIEA is governed by a 12-member Board of Directors elected annually by membership.