2008-09: Preparing Native Students to Enter College and the Workforce through High School Reform

THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED, NIEA supports defining graduation rates according to a common standard and the use of longitudinal data systems and individual student identifiers to follow every child’s path to graduation. NIEA also supports an NCLB accountability system that requires schools to increase their disaggregated data on graduation rates over time and to consider graduation rates on an equal footing with high quality assessments aligned to college and work readiness in determining school quality.

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Steven Peters
2008-10: Urging of Reversal of President Bush Administration Interpretation of Continuing Resolution of Congress for Funding FY 2009 Programs through March 6, 2009

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the National Indian Education Association requests that the interpretation given by the George W. Bush administration of the Continuing Resolution of Congress funding the government through March 6, 2009 by reversed and that programs that have continuously been funded by Congress remain funded through March 6, 2009, including all of the programs mentioned herein; and

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Steven Peters