2011-03: Support the Immediate Completion and Distribution of the Department of Education’s Report of Consultations with American Indian and Alaska Natives on Education in Tribal and Urban Communities

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the USDOE shall immediately complete and release a report to the general public on the meetings, consultations, and public hearings which have occurred between the USDOE and American Indians and Alaska Natives on the state of American Indian and Alaska Native education across the United States.

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Steven Peters
2011-10: Support for Expanded College and Career Readiness Programs through Relevant federal/state/tribal Policies which Create Effective Partnerships and Collaborations

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the National Indian Education Association asks all entities to include federal, state, local, in-and-out of school programs, and tribes who work with Native Students to build effective partnerships and collaborations which will increase the number of college graduates, more technical programs completions and more a more effective work force for recent High School graduates; and

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Steven Peters
2011-14: Support for Assessments Conducted in Native American Languages at Schools or Programs that Teach through Native American Languages

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the National Indian Education Association calls upon the United States Congress as it considers the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to include programs or schools taught through a Native American language, similar to provisions of the language of academic standards, assessment and accountability made for Puerto Rico in Title I, so that the language of assessment is in the Native American language of instruction; and

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Steven Peters
2011-18: Requesting the Bureau of Indian Education and Federal Government to Appropriate Full Funding for the Tribally Controlled Schools’ Facilities Program

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that NIEA hereby requests to the appropriate entities: Federal Government, Congressmen, Appropriation committees and Standing Committees to provide full funding of this program and to cease the constraint immediately for proper management for the facilities’ school wide programs.

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Steven Peters
2011-19: Urge Congress to Support Continued Funding for Tribal Colleges, Including United Tribes Technical College and Navajo Technical College.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that NIEA hereby supports full funding by the Federal government for Tribal colleges and tribally controlled career and technical training institutions, including United Tribes Technical College and Navajo Technical College and rejects proposals from Senators Coburn and Scott Brown that would devastate these institutions and create tremendous disruptions to the lives of the students attending these institutions; and

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Steven Peters